Why Is Working From Home Both Amazingly Great And Absolutely Wrong Part 1


There’s no doubt about it – working from home has numerous advantages when compared to a everyday job and a standard working environment. But to be fair, it also has some disadvantages, mostly ones that involve things that can make or break a healthy, efficient work environment.

The Advantages

Let’s start with the most obvious one – getting up.

Say goodbye to being woken up by a screaming alarm, or a song you used to love but developed a hate for it from the very bottom of your soul.

You can set a healthy sleep schedule, which grants you enough time to do whatever you need to do before working, while also leaving enough of leisure time afterwards.

One of the things that usually annoy people at work the most is the possibility of constantly being interrupted. Multitasking is a necessary skill in our modern age, sometimes you can’t afford being interrupted.

That’s usually the time when that person comes in – the guy or gal who just has to share something absolutely irrelevant to your life, especially to your work.

Hate traffic? Here’s a no-brainer! You don’t need to spend a bunch of time coupe dup in your car just to go to and come back from work. That means you have at least one hour more every day for doing whatever you want.

Doing your work from home grants you the opportunity to plan your schedule on your own, which means that you can be much more flexible than someone who has to stay in one building for 8 hours. Even if you have to stay close to your computer, you can still do some chores around your home or simply relax.

Therefore, your off-work hours are yours and yours only, and you won’t have to skip going out because you have to do the laundry.

When it comes to food, you’ve got everything for you! You can cook yourself, hop to the fridge whenever you want, and you can east as healthy or as unhealthy as you want to. You’re not restricted to options that involve either carrot sticks in a plastic zip bag or eating out and developing a risk for heart failure.