Small Freelancing Hacks – Planning Ahead

Being a successful freelancer means a lot of planning ahead so you will be able to do all the tasks you have taken on, even though you knew you’re probably going to push the deadlines on some of them.

And that is perfectly fine, we all do that, but what if I told you (Neo) that there is a way to accomplish all that you have imagined, and much more?

Jokes aside, planning your own working days require discipline and strong willpower. Being your own boss is awesome, but it can easily turn into the demise in disguise. In this column we will be taking a closer look at some of the basic rules you need to obey in order to get all of the jobs done.

Making a Marketing/Business Plan

One of the very first things on our menu is a strict business plan, a schedule you are going to stick to. Even though we all prefer keeping all the info in our heads so it is accessible 24/7, there is always a chance something important will be forgotten.

Putting your plan on paper will give you the upper hand and will always keep you on the safe side. It will definitely pay off in the long run. This way you will be, in a way forced to every once in a while catch a glimpse of your pending tasks, which will render them impossible to forget. Neat trick, indeed.

In our next article we will delve much deeper into making a detailed business plan or schedule. Stay tuned.