Photography For Bloggers 101


Although being a blogger has many aspects, for the most part you’ll be doing photo shoots of the food/jewelry/coffee mugs you’ve worked so hard on making. That’s why today we’ll give you a few tips on how to make sure the photos on your blog stand out from the rest.

Steady, Aim, Fire

Let’s start off with the essential. In order to make photos of any kind, you’ll need a proper camera.

We’re not talking about getting the most expensive device on the market, but one that will suit your needs the best.

Even a phone camera can be sufficient if that’s the style your blog is going with.

Next up is lighting. Many bloggers swear by natural light, which will undoubtedly help you make airy and bright snaps. However, if you’re running a futuristic-looking blog about cars or computers, an artificial light source might be more suitable for you.

Now we get to the most important part of blog photography. This is called the rule of thirds – it means that the main subject of your photos should always be in the center. Simply imagine that the pics are in 3×3 squares and always aim so that the subject takes the center and any adjacent square.

Finally, don’t forget the background. This will determine if your pics come off as playful, serious, lively, or romantic. Choose the right backdrop for your blog photos and you’ll see the pieces falling into place by themselves.