Free Freelance Tips – Client Triage


It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out as a stay-at-home writer or you are a veteran in the business, these tips will definitely help you succeed in this niche, make your work easier and help you enjoy your awesome job even more.

What is Client Triage?

Client triage means prioritizing your clients. As you get better at your job, you will end up getting projects that are more engaging and more rewarding than others.

This means you are leveling up and you should treat yourself a little bit.

The treat here is to choose the clients and the projects that are making you happy, and try to keep those clients happy as well.

As for the other clients, clients who are constantly asking for impossible deadlines, numerous rewrites of your work, and the ones that refuse to reward you for the job well done… you can either ask for a payment raise as politely as possible, or you can explain why your services are better recognized elsewhere and end the relationship with that client.

Everything has its price, so don’t underestimate your work, especially if you are satisfied with your texts and you stand behind them 100%.